Acne Treatment Expert in Katy TX - How To Remove Acne

Acne is a very common skin condition that affects about 85 percent of the population.

These annoying pimples can cause frustration and make it difficult to get rid.

While conventional treatments can get rid of pimples, they're often associated with adverse consequences, like dryness and irritation to the skin.

Many people today opt for natural remedies to get rid of pimples quickly. While there are many natural solutions to acne, only a few have been scientifically tested to be effective.

What is a pimple and why do they occur?

To treat any skin problem, we have to understand what it is. Let's look at some information regarding pimples.

What is a pimple? Pimples are pores which become blocked by dead skin cells and oil (called sebum) from nearby glands. The small red bumps we call pimples form when pores become blocked. The blocked pores may also transform into blackheads (clogged open pores) and whiteheads (clogged closed pores) or, even more notably, inflamed pus-filled bumps called pustules and hard and painful cysts.

What is the cause of acne? There are many things that contribute to pimples. Many of these causes are due to hormonal changes. The hormonal changes that happen in puberty and, for women, menopause and pregnancy may cause excessive oil production and/or reduction of the skin's cells. Let's not forget about the menstrual cycle. In combination with these changes, when a few pimples appear and normal skin bacteria are put into super drive in the pore. This glut of bacteria irritates the skin and causes inflammation. pimples further.

Some treatments are:

  • Use a bodywash that contains benzoylperoxide. The American Academy of Dermatology suggests applying the body wash to the back or chest for between 2 and 5 minutes before washing. You can use a 5.3% solution for sensitive skin. People with oily skin may use as much as 10% of the solution.

  • Applying 0.1% Adapalene Gel to any area of the skin. You can buy this gel over-the counter. It is possible to purchase a device to help someone who has difficulties reaching their backs to apply gel.

  • Change your clothes immediately after exercising to reduce sweat and oil buildup. If an individual is unable to shower right away after exercise, wiping the skin using a cleansing wipe or flannel may help.

  • Do not scratch or pick pimples. You can make them worse and worse.

  • Do not use sunscreens containing oil in the sun. Some manufacturers label noncomedogenic products as oil-free. These can be used to keep oil from accumulating under the get more info skin.

  • Always using products that are fragrance-free and free of oil. Avoiding oils and scents on areas that are prone to acne on the body can lower the risk of body acne breakouts.

Make these points in mind and talk to an expert in acne who will look at your lifestyle, skin medication as well as other factors to find a holistic way to resolve your acne problems.

Anita's Skin Care Clinic is Katy TX and can assist you deal with acne issues.

Did you know there were acne imposters? Find out more about them here.

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